
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Research Plan

Here is my Action Research Plan!  Let me know what you think!  (As a side note, if you are not familiar with PBIS, it stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.  My campus started this program last year and we are moving into phase 2 this next year.  Phase 2 moves into teacher's classrooms.  It'll be my job to track the progress of this program and we implement the changes outlined below.)

Oh, and sorry my template isn't as pretty as everyone else's!  I had to action additional rows and my mac wouldn't let me match the style!  Oh well!  It's done!  :-)

Action Planning Template
Goal:  In what ways will implementing the second phase of our PBIS program effect tardies, discipline referrals, and the overall climate of our campus?

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1. Look at data from the first year of our PBIS program (TROT) and discover the progress we've made throughout the first year of the program.

Lauren Allred

August 2013

Referral and Attendance data from the 2011-2012 school year (before the program started and 2012-1013 school (when we were in the first phase of PBIS). 

Graph the data from 2011-2012 vs. 2012-2013 to give a visual for the progress we've made.  Write a brief paragraph that identifies the data included.  (total referrals, tardies, grade level offenses, number of referrals per student, etc.)

2. Identify goals for the coming year and ways to implement them.

A.  20 % reduction in referrals
B. Behavior expectations defined and visible to all students
C.   Consistent enforcement of behavior expectations from room to room
D.  Guidelines for success (TROT) more visible on campus

Lauren Allred and the PBIS committee

August 2013

A.  Teacher Buy-in, need quality presentation at staff development to create buy-in for the move into their classrooms.
B.  Signs created for each classroom and key hallway locations.  Present to incoming freshmen at Colt Camp
C.  Create section on PDAS walk-throughs to record if teachers are integrated the TROT language as requested.  
D.  Enlist help from art department to create TROT mural on campus. 

- Teacher feedback from staff development session over increased PBIS presence on campus.
-Pictures of signs in classrooms and hallways. Poll freshmen to gauge their understanding of TROT.
-Gather data from walk-throughs to see if teachers are integrating TROT as requested
-Pictures of murals created on campus.

3. Analyze first six weeks data and compare to where we were a year ago and when the program first started. 

Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia

October 2013

Referral and attendance data

Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.

4.  Analyze second six weeks data and compare where we were a year ago and when the program first started.

Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia

November 2013

Referral and attendance data

Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.

5.  Analyze third six weeks data and compare where we were a year ago and when the program first started.
Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia
December 2013
Referral and attendance data
Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.
6.  Analyze fourth six weeks data and compare where we were a year ago and when the program first started.
Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia
February 2014
Referral and attendance data

Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.
7. Analyze fifth six weeks data and compare where we were a year ago and when the program first started.
Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia

April 2014
Referral and attendance data

Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.
8.  Analyze sixth six weeks data and compare where we were a year ago and when the program first started.
Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia

June 2014
Referral and attendance data

Continue to build on to the graph created to compare our starting point, the first year of the program, and now the second year of the program.
9. Meet periodically throughout the school year to share data results and refocus efforts where needed for our PBIS program.
Lauren Allred, Josh Garcia, PBIS Committee
2013-2014 School year
Referral and attendance data - to see if changes need to be made to our protocol

Minutes of meetings attended
10.  Survey teachers and students at the end of the year to gather their perception of the program.
Lauren Allred
June 2014
Survey Monkey and Staff Email
Survey Results
11. Gather discipline data and survey results and compile into presentation.
Lauren Allred
Summer 2014
All data and survey resutlts
Presentation to Josh and the staff during staff development for 2014-2015